With everyone’s favourite pubs and restaurants reopening, the house and garden parties are likely to come back with a vengeance. Picnics to local destinations and beaches are going to show up on the weekend plans. With your To-Do list filling up fast with things you need to manage, it is also important to first start with de-cluttering the house.
In this blog, we help you free up some space without any stress. Storing with us to realign and de-clutter your house for that next big house party is quick and easy. Find how you can use your summer storage unit to de-clutter your house this summer.
Pack up your winter essentials, you don’t need them right now
Those heavy woollen jackets, coats, jumpers and Christmas decorations need to go away to make some room for the summer closet. Winter boots need to find a room in our summer storage unit, they don’t belong in your closet right now. Give us a call now and free up that closet space.
Garage Gear, its time for ice lollies and not snow shovels
You no longer need heaters, ice picks, and snow shovels or anything similar for that matter, which you’d use during winters. Store them in our best in class summer storage units until the winter months are around again.
Students are back for the summer holidays…
Parents can make best of use of summer storage units to store their children’s belongings in a local storage unit, this can save a lot of logistical headaches. Bikes, books and heavy luggage need not come home for summer, store them with us and be carefree.
Garden furniture and Seasonal Items take up a lot of space, yes we know!
It makes sense to pack these items that are not always in use to a summer storage unit to create some space in the house this summer. Christmas is still months away, let us store them for you so that you can use that space for something more summery!
Moving houses? Call us first and take that pressure off
People moving houses often find storing their items in a storage unit very useful. This helps to be more organised and keeps the possession in check. If you are moving houses, let us take that pressure off from your move to give you some breathing space.
So what are you waiting for? Reserve early and book your unit
To find out more about Storage Oldham and what we can do to help you, give our team a call. Our team are on hand 7 days a week to help you with any queries you have. We guarantee you won’t find a cheaper price than us.